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On the couch sat Ben. Ben, her colleague. Ben from the office sitting two desks to the right of her. Alex stood in the doorway, her lower jaw hanging down in disbelief. "W-what are you…" she started a sentence directed at the mystery guest, but he interrupted her by turning to Ryan. "She looks gorgeous. You really know how to present them well" he complimented him. "Thank you" he replied in turn. "Although you caught me in the middle of a last check-up…" he continued, somewhat irritated, but Ben interrupted him, "I’m not paying you to fuck them senseless over and over again."

Ben now took one a more serious attitude. "What’s her physical state?" he asked Ryan as he looked at Alex, taking her in from head to toe. "Her feet are not unspoilt. Had to use glass to keep her near me. She’s been a lot of trouble." Ben smiled. "Genitals? Breasts?" "Completely intact and unharmed, as agreed" Ryan stated. "Perhaps you can..."

"What the fuck is going on?" Alex screamed right through the conversation. "What the hell are you doing here? What are you talking about?" She felt her face flush in anger and fear. She hadn’t expected this at all. "Quiet!" Ben agressively hushed her. "She has quite a mouth, doesn’t she? I expected she wasn’t entirely submissive, but that she’d be trouble..." he said to Ryan as they both got up and walked towards the girl. "Fuck no!" Alex yelled and bolted back towards the stairs. Ryan already expected such a reaction and sped after her. He was able to run up the stairs taking four steps at a time as opposed to little Alex, who only ran half as fast. On top of the stairs he caught her by the waist. "Back downstairs with you, kid" he snarled as he dragged her down.

Ryan came back into the living room, hardly capable of holding on to the clawing, kicking and screaming girl. "Calm down!" he yelled as Ben closed in. He grabbed both of Alex’s wrists, which wasn’t too difficult for him as her clawing was directed at the man behind her, making her wrists easily accesible to him. Ryan, thankful for his cooperation to take control of the wildcat in front of him, took over the wrists and locked them behind her back. Because of the size of her tiny wrists, he was able to hold them both with one hand. His right hand held a firm grip on her neck. "Got her" he confirmed to Ben. "Move it to that big trap of hers" he corrected Ryan. Ryan obeyed, moving his hand from her neck towards her mouth, holding such a tight grip Alex was afraid her jaw might crack.

"Much better, I don’t need to hear her anymore." Ben nodded. Alex was ready to spam a new wave of objections but more than a high-pitched muffled mumbling didn’t escape her mouth. "Now to continue our conversation before we got rudely interrupted…" he gave Alex a foul look "…has she been used much?" Ryan laughed. "Hardly. She’s as tight as a virgin, in any hole." More protesting growls followed. "The only one she had was her boyfriend, some skinny kid who couldn’t have been very…" he paused a moment and squeezed her wrists to taunt her "…impressing."

Ben continued in a monotone fashion. "What about her breasts?" It was not so much the questions her colleague asked that frightened Alex, it was the way he asked them. They were so emotionless, as if he read them off a paper. It fed her fear that this meeting wasn’t a coinsedence at all, but something which had been planned for a longer time than she wished to believe. "I think they will do. Of course I’m not familiar with the preferences of your clients, but…" Ryan interrupted his sentence to keep a firm grip on the girl, who began trashing around the moment the word ‘clients’ was pronounced "they will do." Ben, not entirely convinced, closed in on the girl. He reached out for the zipper of the dress, only half undoing it. Before Alex could so much as protest again, he yanked the top of the strapless dress down, revealing her breasts. He took hold of them, squeezing them, following the curves. Ben even took the time to stimulate her nipples to see what they would look like in their hardened state. Alex burst out into tears, humiliated by her random colleague groping her like that.

She wanted to fight, but she started to tire. She had trouble breathing through her nose all the time as Ryan kept a tight grip on her mouth. She felt dizzy and confused by everything that happened. How did she wind up in this kind of situation? She hadn’t done anything wrong. Silently she prayed, hoped, wished, anything that could save her from this nightmare. In her head she promised whatever deity existed out there that she’d never tease or provoke anyone ever again. She would go back to school and find an honest job, working her way up the socio-economical ladder through her own efforts.

Through watery eyes she glanced at Ben, who carefully placed an expensive looking suitcase on the table. As he opened it, Alex burst out into tears. It was filled with unfolded neat stacks of bills. It was no mystery anymore what was happening. A sale was about to take place and she was the purchased merchandise. Her boss sold her to Ben, her colleague Ben who was so worried about her the day he forced her to perform fellatio under his desk. That he approached her that day probably was not a coinsedence either. "You’re the only one who still works with cash payments, you know that? Our friends in Russia and America have accounts over on the Cayman’s. You should try it." Ben chit-chatted as he showed Ryan exact how many stacks were in. "I’m old-fashioned. I rather not leave any trails leading back to me" he shrugged.

As Ben glared at Alex –his eyes were cold, unaffected by her tears- taking her in from head to toe once again, he mentioned: "You know I can’t offer you the normal rate for this one. I’m not sure if she’s worth the money, seen as I haven’t picked her out myself. The quality is lower than my preference." Ryan smiled. "She’s worth it, trust me." He flipped the girl around roughly and locked eyes with the terrified creature in front of him. Ben, in the mean time, adjusted the dress around her breasts and zipped her up.

"If it wasn’t for your little attempt to blaickmail me, I probably wouldn’t even have noticed what a gem you were" he now spoke directly to Alex. He felt her tremble in his grip, partially from fear, partially from the crying she still so desperately tried to avoid. She eyed him with mixed feelings, a mingling of shame and anger. Again that determinism appeared in her eyes. Ryan was impressed. Even now, when she had no chance of escaping whatever fate Ben had for her in store, she stood her ground.

It was the only moment that Ryan felt remorse. Not for his actions though. In the past years he delivered several girls to Ben or others in the network. He did exactly what he was supposed to do. Find them, capture them, break them in, tame them and present them to the buyer. However, Alex had never been a conscious choice from the start. It was sheer coinsedence she presented herself to him. She was special to him. He loved her fierceness, her nearly unbreakable spirit and unruly ways of doing. If it wasn’t for the fact that he needed the money for this job badly –it had been a while since he delivered his last package- he would’ve considered keeping her as his own. Perhaps he should consider finding a personal pet soon. "Is she reserved?" he asked with a hint of curiosity. He normally didn’t ask where the girls would end up, but as a final act of dominance over his little colleague.

Ben looked at his surprised, until he realized Ryan spoke out of his own interest. "Yes. I got an order from Japan which is going to make me a very rich man as soon as I am done with her. Don’t even think about buying her off, you couldn’t afford what they will pay me" he laughed eventually. "It’s sheer luck that she fits the profile, else I wouldn’t have bothered to put her on the market." Alex started to cry again, unable to grasp reality. There was no way she could end up being some Japanese bastard’s sex slave or pet or servant or dinner or furniture or fuck knows what she was meant for. "Please…" she pleaded with Ryan for the last time, locking eyes with him for a final time.

She realized life as she knew it was over. She would never see Jonathan, the office, her apartment, her parents or her friends again. Ryan released his grip over her mouth and instantly a cloth with a strong intoxicating smell was held over her mouth. Ryan kissed her, the first and onlt object of his affection and desire, goodbye on the forehead as she slowly slipped into unconsciousness. In her last moments of awareness she looked up at a lamp hanging in the room, which began to grow brighter and brighter until it filled her entire vision with a white haze before slowly fading into the black nothingness. In the final moment she heard Ben’s voice somewhere in the distance "Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Welcome to my world, baby."

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