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I took a book and started to read, Bunty also picked up a comic but did not seem to be able to settle down and was fidgeting about, shifting from bed to chair and back to bed again. I asked him if anything was wrong and he told me he had never been away from his parents before and was missing them. Soon it was time to sleep. When I turned off the lights in the room Bunty was surprised that I had no nightlight. He said that in his home there was always a light burning. I asked him to try to sleep without one for that night and that I would fix a light the next day.

Next morning when I woke him up his eyes seemed to be a bit red and it appeared that he had been crying in the night. I told him not to worry and not to feel sad that his parents were not there. We soon left for our individual schools. When I returned home that evening I found Bunty had reached before me. My mom told me that he had come home early and that he had already had his evening snack. What was surprising was that he had helped to wash up the plates without being asked. He seemed to be feeling better and not missing his parents as much. After dinner he told my mom to relax as now there were two people to do the dishes and without any fuss helped me to complete the task. As I had promised him I had already fixed a nightlight in the room. I had positioned it in such a way that his bed was illuminated and mine was in shadow, as I was unused to having a light in the room. He was happier and soon settled down to sleep. At one point during the night I was woken by some sound and looking around saw Bunty was making some sort of movements. I had no idea what those movements indicated and though that he was crying again. In the morning I noticed a small damp spot on his sheets, about the level of his hips, and wondered if he had begun to wet the bed during the night.

On the third night we shared the room, and soon after I had turned off the lights I heard what I thought were a few stifled sobs coming from Bunty. I asked him if he was all right or if there was something wrong. Getting up from his bed he came and sat on the edge of my bed and very shyly and hesitantly asked if he could sleep next to me as he was feeling frightened by the size of the room, being in an unfamiliar place, and missing his parents, was unable to sleep. My bed was big enough to accommodate two people with ease, so moving over I made room for him. Having someone share my bed was totally unfamiliar to me but at that age nothing could keep me awake long and soon I was soundly asleep.

Much later in the night I was woken by an unfamiliar sensation. Bunty was lying pressed up to me, his leg thrown across my thighs, and his hand was wandering across my stomach and the waist band of my shorts. Very soon it moved lower and then grasped my cock through the material of my pants and started a pressing and releasing action.
Needless to say I started to get aroused by this and then realised I could feel his cock stiff and hard pressing against my thigh, pulsing in synchronisation with his hand movements on my shaft. Looking at him I understood that he was awake but pretending to be asleep. Removing his hand from my cock I asked him what he was doing. With a motion to me to keep silent he slipped from the bed, crossed the room and bolted the door. Though I had slept in my own room for many years I had never done more than shut the door when sleeping. As he returned to my bed I noticed his shorts were tented in a peculiar way. I was slow to realise that he had an erection. Coming back to the side of my bed, he slipped off his shorts, revealing his cock standing at right angles to his body, and again lay down beside me and hitched his body close to mine. He slipped one hand into my shorts and held my cock in his warm fingers.

I was taken aback by his actions and jumping up from the bed asked him what he was playing at. I also realised that those few seconds of contact with his hand and the sight of his cock had produced unfamiliar sensations and reactions in my own body and that my cock was now tenting my pants just as his had a few minutes before. He was surprised by my actions and lay there stark naked looking up at me with astonishment written across his face. Asking him to put his shorts back on I demanded an explanation. His revelations that night astounded and amazed me a great deal. At first he asked me why I was reacting in this manner. Had I never touched another boy, or had another boy touch me? Had I never masturbated? When I told him I had never had any such experience it was his turn to be incredulous. He then proceeded to enlighten me in regard to the whole process of erections, ejaculations and various forms of masturbation. He also told me some of the things two boys could do together to achieve these objectives.

For some reason, perhaps because I was "ripe" for this knowledge or because he was younger than I was, yet knew so much more, and thus piqued my curiosity, or perhaps just because of the situation and the opportunity it presented I found myself greatly interested by what I was being told without feeling the usual shame and guilty reaction I had felt on the earlier occasions when I had been touched by the girl. As we spoke about all these matters I found myself getting more aroused. Bunty was quick to notice my body’s reaction and suggested I could experience for myself the feelings he had told me about. A bit reluctantly I agreed and he again removed his shorts revealing to my wide eyed look a slim smooth body with no trace of hair anywhere, his cock now hanging limp and flaccid was partially hiding his balls. He was not circumcised and had a foreskin covering the front part of his cock where I was circumcised and had an exposed glans. Again he lay besides me and with very slow movements dropped his leg over my thighs, and resumed his earlier hand movements on my belly.
Though I lay as rigid as stone, I could feel the reaction in my own body begin. As his hand moved lower and on to my penis I could feel his flaccid cock begin to harden against my leg. Soon his hands had made me hard, and my prick was tenting the front of my shorts. Bunty then requested permission to remove my clothes so I could experience the sensations better. With some hesitation I let him do it and for the first time since I had been a child, I was naked in another’s presence.

My cock was now fully engorged and as stiff and hard as it could possibly get. Making me lie on my side facing him he held my cock and began to move his clasped hand along its length, and indicated to me that I should do the same to him.
The outcome of this action soon made itself evident. Leaking a few drops of pre cum my cock suddenly discharged itself with such great force that I could actually hear the cum splash against Bunty’s body. He was surprised and I think this brought on his own ejaculation. Many strange and varied feelings were coursing through my body and mind. The foremost was that of pleasure. As we lay there with each other’s limp cocks in our hands, our semen pooled on the sheets between us, I realised that I had no feelings of shame or guilt at what was being done to me or what I was doing to Bunty. After a short while I could feel my cock stirring to life again and Bunty’s soon followed.

This time he made me lie on my back with my cock pointing to the ceiling and grasping it firmly in his hand proceeded to masturbate me till I shot my second load high in the air and it splashed back down on both our bodies. When I had done him a similar service we both pulled on our shorts and were soon sound asleep. It was a bit strange to wake up in the morning and find Bunty lying snuggled up to me. Stranger was the feelings in my own body. I was now more conscious of what hung between my legs and what sensations and pleasure it could produce Of course what I did not know then was that I had only been exposed to a very small part of the iceberg that was sexual pleasure and yet had much to learn. And that those further lessons were going to be taught to me in course the next few days and nights.
The meaning of the wet spot I had seen on Bunty’s bed the previous morning was now clear. As were the reasons for the movements I had seen. He had been indulging in what I later learned was called "self abuse" though how anybody could think of it as abuse I have never fathomed to this day. The huge, satisfied and contented smile with which Bunty greeted me on waking up made me somewhat self conscious. He asked me how I had enjoyed his lessons and practical demonstrations of the night. I could not deny having enjoyed the entirely new experiences. He then told me to anticipate the many other lessons and other wonders he would show me when we returned from our schools that evening. And he did exactly that.


Continued in Part 2:

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