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I checked to see who they were, and as I expected, Eric and Randy were among them. The two others were from Scooter's group.

Suzi started to hump wildly, bring my attention back to the matters at hand. When she sat up and moved her legs so her shins were on the ground, I groaned from the change in sensations. When she began raising her body up and down, we both heard the gasps from the shore. Suzi's moan ended in a screech as we both came two pumps later. She fell back forward on top of me and put her crotch in overdrive. My dick spurted its contents powerfully with the extra stimulation she had provided. We both gave a final groan before Suzi collapsed on top of me. I was very much aware of how Suzi's legs were spread far apart, giving the boy's an unobstructed view of not only her ass hole, but the base of my dick disappearing into her hot pussy. Suzi and I pretended to be asleep while they whispered and came to a decision. When they finally swam away, they left their calling card. Our swim wear was sitting on the shore waiting for us.

After we laid there enjoying our post orgasm bliss, I checked with Joey. He was getting a little frustrated with our extended absence. But he kept kicking himself for feeling that way. I informed him of the show we had provided the four, and he got a kick out of Suzi's new found fetish. And Joey wasn't the least bit upset with our lovemaking, just tired of baby sitting alone. Suzi and I dressed and began swimming back. Suzi spotted Eric, and flashed me a wicked smile before diving under the water to stalk her prey. I had just climbed on shore when I heard a shriek from the water. Suzi appeared a few minutes later wearing Eric's swim trunks. "What happened to your bikini bottoms?" Joey asked with a sparkling look in his eyes. "I traded," was all Suzi said before tossing the bottle of lotion to Joey and laying down beside him.

Needless to say, Eric didn't come on shore until he absolutely had to. His red face matched the red bikini nicely. I was quite surprised to see it covered everything while he dashed to his towel. But Eric gave us another little shock while we left the beach. He walked up to Suzi, wrapped in his towel, handing her bikini bottom to her without a word. He didn't even flinch like Joey and I did when Suzi slipped his shorts off and handed them to him in exchange. But he did give us a grin when he dropped his towel and pulled his own shorts over his hard on. The four of us walked back together, Suzi and Eric doing most of the talking. Joey and Suzi broke the seal on the drink and spent an hour together that night, with no uninvited guests that time.

For the next couple of days, we all formed a routine. Every morning I awoke and immediately had to defend myself from the five boy's attacks. I surprised them all when I pulled out my water gun the third morning, getting everyone a shot in the face at least once before I was overwhelmed. I loved every minute of it, and didn't mind the fact that they always ended up tickling me until I couldn't talk. Besides, I was planning my revenge for all my defeats, and I wanted to wait until it started to get old. Suzi was always waiting for us at breakfast, and always gave Joey and me a good morning kiss. Penny always seemed to be glaring at us while we did that, but only I took any notice, and even got used to it after a few days.

The time between breakfast and lunch was always reserved for the more physically exerting activities since it was the coolest time of the day. Joey, Suzi, and I usually were assigned to different groups for that part of the day. After lunch until around three, the activities were less physical, but were usually fun. The Jr. Counselors were allowed to choose what activity they would supervise. During that time of the day, we got to know a lot of the other kids at the camp, and the three of us were usually together. From three until dinner, all of the groups worked on crafts of some kind, staying in the shade to stay cool. We were given the freedom to pick were to work, and we always worked with the kids from our cabins.

Scooter continued to have troubles with his crew. It got so bad that Mick had to step in during the craft times to keep control. Suzi inquired why I hadn't done something, and I told her my reasons. She didn't agree entirely, so I promised if things didn't straighten out in the next couple of days, I would talk with Scooter about it. By dinner time, everyone was pretty tired of having to do something, so it was up to the Jr. Counselors to decide what to do. Most of the time, everyone went to the lake to swim or take the paddle boats out. Thursday evening, I found out Scooter wasn't going to come to me because he didn't want to impose. It was pretty obvious he wasn't going to work anything out on his own either, so he and I took a walk along the shoreline. "And because I can't leave them alone for any period of time, Gina and I haven't done anything but hug in the mornings at breakfast. I'm sick of it."

"Well, I can try to help, but you're gonna have to lay off them a bit too. They just want to have fun like we do. So what if some of it is against the rules. We've done lots of stuff even worse. Course, we never put hot pepper in a counselor's shorts before." "Yeah, and last night they tried to put itching powder in my jock strap. Good thing I checked... Hey, why don't you just make them all nine years old again? I can handle nine year olds." "Nope. I'm not going to ruin their time like that. No, we have to figure out something that would make them respect you. Something cool." "Hmmm. But what?" "We'll think of something."

We were walking through some brush between clearings along the lake. Scooter spotted a quarter and rushed ahead to get it, then suddenly froze in his tracks. I watched his face drain of color, staring off to his left immediately in front of him. That's when I heard the rattle. "Shit," I said under my breath. I reached out with my mind and felt the rattlesnake's presence that was only a foot away from Scooter. I couldn't understand its primitive thoughts enough to control it, but I knew it was preparing to strike. I didn't take time to think, just locked onto the snakes motions with my mind, reached my hand out and grabbed its tail. I used the snakes own impulses to judge it's turn as I yanked with all might, whipping it away from both Scooter and me. Scooter was shaking harder than I was when we finally stopped our mad running.

"Damn," Scooter breathed, "I nearly fainted when I saw it. And I can't believe you did that. You sure have balls." "It wasn't as dangerous to me as you think. Hey. You think rescuing those guys from a snake would give you their respect?" "Well, you got mine. But I'm not sure I could even fake something with a real snake. Even if you were driving it." "It wouldn't be real. It would be an illusion. Suzi brought something that would keep me my head from exploding, so I'm willing to try it."

We made plans, and agreed to do it the next day. I got up early Friday morning, and snuck out without waking the mob squad. Suzi was already getting dressed when I scratched at her tent flap. After helping me pour two large glasses of drink, she left to watch my cabin for me. I was feeling the affects of the drink as I walked towards Scooter's cabin. I saw him stomp out of his and fling the door open to the other, and I hurried up to see what was going on. I heard shouts and a wave of fear from the cabin, then almost got hit by the tan belt that Scooter tossed out. When the belt landed and started to buck wildly, I jumped a couple feet into the air and ran three cabins down. I was just getting my nerve back when Scooter came out and saw me peering around the cabin I had taken refuge behind. He smiled and jogged over to me.

"Shit, Tim. That was great! It was totally real like. Why didn't you tell me you were gonna use a copperhead instead of a rattler?" My wide eyes and shocked expression confused him until I pointed over at the still twitching but apparently dead snake. Scooter stared at it with his mouth wide open while the boys from the cabin he had left cautiously approached the snake to get a better look. "Get back!" Scooter suddenly said stepping towards them. They scurried back to the cabin's entrance as Scooter went and grabbed a stick. I probed the snake mentally before Scooter did with his stick. It's 'neck' was broken. Scooter had twisted the snake's head nearly three- fourths the way around, just like we had planned and practiced. Scooter picked up the snake by its head and held out his prize to the others, inviting them to check it out. Later that day, they helped him make eight snake skin bracelets. They bonded with Scooter, and they became close friends. We all wore the bracelets the rest of the summer, signifying the bond. I still have mine, somewhere.

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