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Construction business brokers normally have extensive experience in the construction sector and can provide valuable insight when navigating the steps required to sell your business. Their extensive experience in the construction sector normally means they also already have contacts for potential buyers and sellers. Business brokers can also help with an accurate business valuation to ensure the business is not being listed at an unrealistic price.Construction business brokers should be brought in early and used to provide an accurate company valuation, to provide insight into the complex business selling process, and to leverage their contacts to find the best buyer for your business. Brokers should be given as much information as possible upfront so they can provide guidance on the best steps forward and ensure there are no surprises along the way.Your Orange County business broker will help you with your company’s valuation and can help establish your final selling price. Although, you could simply subtract liabilities from assets, this isn’t a very accurate way to find what value your construction business has. Sell prices of similar businesses, changing value of properties and other factors will be considered by your broker.

