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Meanwhile, Mike and their four friends' view was very limited, due to the agitated horde of excited spectators in front of them, and the fact that Sarah was flat on the canvas.

"What's happening?" Jenna asked.

"Can't really see," Scarlet replied. At the same time that they heard Sarah emit a piercing cry of frustration and anger.

"But she's down to her knickers, so she can't..." But Scarlet didn't finish her sentence, because a huge cheer went up from the crowd, along with many wolf-whistles and catcalls. In the ring, May was now standing back up, having been bent over. Above her head she was waving triumphantly a small piece of white material. Jenna put her hand over her mouth and looked at Scarlet with her eyes wide open in disbelief.

"OH..MY..FUCKING..GOD!!" Scarlet squealed with clear delight at the humiliating predicament of her frenemy.

"I can't believe they've ..." Jenna tailed off, still holding her hand in front of her mouth.

"Stripped Sarah stark fucking naked in front of hundreds of men!!" Scarlet exclaimed with pure delight. She'd wanted to take Sarah down a peg or two, and this was more than she could ever have hoped for.

Jenna turned to Mike. "I'm so sorry," she sympathised. Mike tried not to look excited or turned-on (which he was, hugely, and had earlier had to adjust his cock in his underwear to allow for his erection - something almost all of the male spectators had also done).

"I can't believe it," he said, pretending to be as shocked as her. Now that his plan had come to fruition, he decided it was time to act.

"I've got to rescue her!" he yelled, and began barging his way through the crowd to get to the ring. The other four followed in his wake. But nobody was keen on letting him in front of them, and people were also blocking the walkways leading to the ring.

"Hey pal, we all want a look - wait your turn," one tall, well built young man warned Mike, as he tried to elbow past.

"That's my fucking girlfriend!" Mike yelled, strangely excited by everyone thinking he must feel utterly humiliated that his girlfriend was losing every scrap of dignity right there in public, with countless cameras recording the scene of her debasement.

"Oh really?" the man retorted. "Well you've already seen her naked then... back of the line!" which he and his group of five male friends thought very funny. He pushed Mike backwards sharply and returned to enjoying Sarah's ordeal in the ring.

In the ring, May twirled Sarah's knickers around on her finger in circles as she decided who to toss them to. She was about to fling them at an elderly man who seemed very keen on getting hold of them, but at the last second tossed them to Sarah's ex-students, to join her bra. Dylan accepted them gratefully before opening them up and putting them on his head like a hat.

With her opponent now stark naked, Faye released her hold on her, and Sarah made a dash for the ropes, but just as she laid hands on the middle rope, Tanya grabbed hold of her leg ankle, and pulled her flat onto the canvas again. Frustrated, Sarah twisted and kicked out at her former partner, but narrowly missed. Once Sarah was back on her feet, Tanya grabbed hold of her left arm, and again prevented her escape. May & Faye stood back and watched the two former partners grappling with each other properly; with the jeering crowd treated to a full-on naked wrestling bout!

Regardless of her nudity, Sarah grappled with Tanya, attempting to push and trip her over so she could make her escape, but she was no match for her, and quickly found herself in a headlock, whereupon May & Faye took over and between them proceeded to lift Sarah up into a sitting chair position, locking her arms behind her using theirs, and supporting her legs below her knees, forcing her thighs wide apart. Initially with her exposed sex towards the opposite side of the ring, where the noise level and camera flashes increased considerably. Mike knew that every flash meant someone had captured another shot of his fiancee's exposed crotch. He noticed Josh and his friends were amongst those taking pornographic snaps of Sarah from over there. They had seats, but nobody was sitting any longer. Sarah felt a new low in her embarrassment - knowing that strangers, friends, ex-students, and her low-life brother-in-law and his cronies had seen her stripped totally nude, and would have pornographic photos of her to prove it!

One of the friends of the large man half turned towards Mike and announced loudly, "Think we're about to get the money shot, boys!" he taunted, winking at Mike, with his phone poised (along with most other spectators), ready for that 'money shot'.

Mike pretended to rise to the goading from the large man, and made a grab for the aggressor, knowing his two friends would stop him, which they did.

"Let's just find another way through," Steve suggested. Mike concurred, and led his group laterally, towards the corner of the ring to their right.

At the same time, Sarah was turned so that her womanhood faced that side of the ring. Although utterly debased, she was struggling in vain against her two far stronger captors, only serving to present herself in more sexually erotic poses! Mike noticed Ed & Steve drinking in their clear first sight of his girlfriend's naked body. He was hugely turned on, as were they.

"Money shot!!" shouted the man Mike had argued with, at the top of his voice to ensure that Mike heard him.

Mike spotted Richard heading away from the ring, and called to him. Richard held up his walkie-talkie and explained that he had arranged for security to rescue Sarah, and suggested they make their way to the side room where they'll be taking her. Mike feigned shock and dismay at his fiancee's ordeal.

Meanwhile, Sarah was still being exhibited to each side of the ring, and the fourth side was where Ryan, Dylan, and Mason were seated. The young men' eyes almost popped out of their head at the sight of Sarah's exposed vagina and tits - they didn't know what to look at first, but luckily, because it was all recorded, they could (and did many times) examine every inch of her at their leisure later.

Finally, having been paraded around the ring a full 360 degrees, the wrestlers dumped Sarah unceremoniously onto the canvas. She immediately made a dash for the nearest ropes in order to exit the ring. Disregarding the fact that she was stark naked, she bent over and placed her right leg between the top and middle rope, then, while holding onto the middle rope with both hands, proceeded to duck below the rope and finally bring her left leg through also. Squatting on the wrong side of the ropes at the edge of the ring, she presented her labia and anus to the gathered audience there nicely. This included Josh, who could have reached out and touched his sister-in-law's sex if he'd been so inclined.

But before she could dismount from the ring, Sarah's wrists were grabbed by Tanya, who tried to pull her back through the ropes. However, as Sarah jumped down from the ring, sweat helped her to slip out of Tanya's grip. She found herself in the midst of a baying horde of (mainly middle-aged) men. She tried to barge through, but made little progress until six security men pushed their way through to her, and escorted her back to the side room.

Mike and the others were waiting outside of the side room, and Richard hurried everyone inside to the relative quiet. All of the security personnel except one waited outside, while one joined them, and passed Sarah a florescent security tabard. Sarah accepted it gratefully, and quickly donned it. It barely covered her modesty though, and the lower part of her bare buttocks were still visible, Mike noticed. It was only then that she realised who the security man was; none other than Ryan's dad - last time she met him was when she discussed Ryan's progress (or lack thereof) at parents' evening.

"Miss Melton," he acknowledged, with a wry smile. Sarah didn't reply, however, and avoided eye contact with everyone, hugely embarrassed that they'd all seen all of her.

"Oh God, Sarah," Jenna said, throwing her arms around her friend's neck, as Sarah burst into tears. "I can't believe what happened to you."

Looking over her friend's shoulder, she noticed the lecherous looks on the men's faces, and the smirk on Scarlet's.

"Let's just get you home, and we can talk about it," Mike said.

Ten minutes later, after a sit down and cup of tea, Sarah's tears had subsided into quiet sobs. Richard led the group to a back exit, where a taxi was waiting that he'd organised. He watched intently, enjoying one last glimpse of Sarah's exposed thighs as she climbed aboard. Then he returned inside, made his way to the staff toilets, and had the best wank of his life whilst viewing photos of Sarah he'd taken using his phone.

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