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You will have to search out masters of those schools if you want to learn them. The curtain is an illusion and isn't much harder than the minor telekinesis cantrip we always use."

"I'm not sure why, but as long as you've been on this earth, I think I assumed that you knew every kind of magic."

Ikuno barked a laugh followed by a strange jingling noise and a whispered, "Oops, dammit." She answered a moment later, "Sorry to disappoint you but I learned the magics that were easy and that would help keep me safe, one of the drawbacks of being immortal I suppose, there's always time to learn things later. Back when I was young, I used to have the same drive and thirst for knowledge you do; it faded away long ago without the specter of having only so many years on this earth to propel it."

"I'm not disappointed, just surprised I guess. I never really thought about having to learn from someone else."

There was a faint tinkling noise then Ikuno spoke from behind the curtain, "I've been planning this for a while, just waiting for the right moment. I think your breakthrough today qualifies as a good reason to celebrate. Are you ready?" there was a faint tremor in her voice as she finished.

"I am," answered Kal, "Are you okay back there?"

"I learned what I'm about to show you from some desert nomads a very long time ago and it's been more than a century since the last time I've done anything like this. I'm a little nervous." There was another faint noise like many tiny bells ringing as she moved around. A blue hand appeared near the lower corner of the illusion and set a small, very ornate box on the floor. Something was odd about her hand but Kal couldn't quite put his finger on it.

The torches suddenly went out and one of Ikuno's light orbs floated out from the magical darkness into the middle of the cavern. Instead of giving off light in all directions like normal, this one was only shining straight down leaving the rest of the cavern in shadow. Kal peered about the room making out the various shapes of things he was familiar with, until Ikuno walked out into the light. If there had been a giant in the cave it wouldn't have gotten a second glance once Kal saw the cobalt skinned oni.

A small blue pendant hung from Ikuno's horns, held in the middle of her forehead by a delicate golden chain. As Kal looked closer it appeared that she had draped her body in gold. Her necklace was a type of flat interlocking pattern of concentric rings that he had never seen before. Attached to the bottom ring was another delicate chain that ran above and below her breasts, between these hung a piece of gossamer cloth that left nothing to the imagination. Another jewel set in gold that matched the pendant on her forehead covered her belly button. The slightly larger gold chain around her waist had strings of coins hanging from it, the longest hanging partway down her right thigh and getting shorter as they came across to her left hip, behind those was another piece of gossamer fabric like the one over her breasts that followed the edge of the strings of golden coins. Ikuno lifted her arms and crossed her wrists above her head and Kal saw what was different about her hands, she had painted her claws to match the gold adorning the rest of her body.

Ikuno settled into a pose with one leg slightly in front of the other, toes pointed down and heel raised, with the knee of the other leg slightly bent looked down at some random spot on the floor to her taking a deep steadying breath, which did wonders for how all the gold shimmered across her chest, she made a small motion with her hand and Kal caught a flicker of movement out the corner of his eye as the lid to the box opened up.

The slow pounding of drums filled the cavern and Ikuno's hips began to sway in time with the beat, the top half of her body remaining perfectly still. Soon a stringed instrument, which sounded somewhat like the lyres people occasionally played at the inn, joined the drums. The oni brought her hands down and her head up, her eyes continuing to look at the floor. With her hands partially open and her thumb and forefinger touching, she gracefully moved her arms from one pose to another. A haunting sound joined the other instruments coming from the music box, Kal reasoning it must be some type of flute or large whistle. He didn't get to think on it long since when the flute started, Ikuno began to move with the music.

"Whoa," Kal whispered under his breath. Forget the giant in the room, now a rampaging dragon would have a difficult time peeling his eyes from the sight in front of him.

The oni glided about the circle with a grace that didn't seem possible for someone so large, her hips swaying and body undulating sensuously as her arms flowed effortlessly from one position to the next in time with the music. Kal sat on the bed, entranced by the blue-skinned woman, having never seen something so beautiful. His breath quickened, and body reacted as she added the occasional thrust of her hips to her dance, giving him tiny, teasing glimpses of her sex or bottom as the strings of coins lifted for a fleeting moment.

The music's tempo picked up slightly, as did Ikuno's performance. Every motion of her body and hands seemed to accentuate or draw attention to her sexuality, from slow rolls of her hips to quick thrusts of her chest. Ikuno was no longer just looking at the ground as she danced, casting sultry glances at Kal and running her tongue over her lips during her bawdier movements.

The music reached a crescendo and Ikuno stood up on her toes, feet apart, arching her back while thrusting her chest out, arms down with her splayed hands turned forward next to her hips. She closed her eyes and threw her head back, mouth slightly open as if gasping in pleasure.

After a momentary pause, the drums and stringed instrument started into the slower and more relaxed final section of the music. Looking down at the floor Ikuno began moving again, her hips again began to sway with the slower beat as she moved back to the center of her spotlight. Bringing her arms up she crossed her wrists and assumed her starting pose just as the music ended. With another tiny motion of her hand the lid on the music box clicked shut.

Hearing nothing from the bed's occupant she relaxed from her pose. Having been within the spotlight during her performance, and unable to see more than vague shapes outside of it, she had yet to see Kal's face. With her nervousness from before setting in, she motioned at the orb of light to illuminate the entire room. Squinting for a moment as her eyes adjusted, she looked over at her young lover.

Wide-eyed, Kal just stared at Ikuno with a look of wonder, "Wow," he said.

Ikuno arched an eyebrow, "Just 'Wow'?"

"Oh, no no no no. Amazing. Outstanding. Awesome. Stunning. Even all those don't seem good enough. You have a better way with words than I do, think of something far beyond than any of those and that might come close to how mmmph!" Ikuno stepped over to the bed and silenced Kal by putting her lips over his.

Pulling away, she reached behind her back to undo her top, "Time to stop talking."

A thought crossed the oni's mind and her hands stopped before reaching the clasp.

Peeling back the covers she straddled Kal's already hard cock, holding the jingling coins to the side so he could watch as she placed him at the entrance to her pussy and lowered herself with a long moan. With another motion of her hand the light orb floated up above her and the spotlight narrowed so it shone only on her without reaching her lover's face.

At Kal's questioning look she raised her arms up and crossed her wrists, the same as her pose at the beginning of her dance. With a small wave, the lid on the music box flipped open.

Kal laid his head back and groaned as the drums started and Ikuno's hips began to sway back and forth. When the strings joined in she brought her hands down but instead of doing the motions in the dance she held them out for Kal. Smiling he reached up and interlaced his fingers with hers. As the flute's haunting tones began, Ikuno started moving just slightly up and down while continuing the sensuous swaying of her hips. That little bit of extra stimulation was enough to send Kal over the edge, making his hips buck up into Ikuno and filling her with everything he had to give.

Ikuno stopped moving as Kal came, gently squeezing with her inner muscles but not wanting to hurt him when he got sensitive.

As Kal recovered he looked over at the music box then back at Ikuno, "Keep going till it's done?" he asked.

Ikuno smiled and released his hand, reaching behind her. Kal felt the tingle of her recuperation spell on his balls and the base of his cock. Taking his hand in hers again they looked into each other's eyes as her hips started moving.


Edited by: Old Fart

Twitter: @BDraygn

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