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Oh shit. I gave them a quick smile. "Hey ladies."

Long legged and lithe Suzie reached around me and squeezed my butt. "Hey, Mr. Sloane," she breathed as she came in real close, "Where've you been hiding? Some of us girls have been wondering what the name of the game is. We're starting to pine and miss the good times we had together. Those times when you showed us just how deep you would go to put a smile on our faces," She moved in closer,"You do still have our numbers don't you, Mr. Sloane?"

The two other women were staring intently at me and a couple of others were glancing in our direction watching the little show being played out. All three of them looked hot to trot and I had no doubt I could bang the lot of them before the sun came up.

But not this night.

As ever, it was Janet to the rescue.

She came up to the four of us and slipped her arm through mine.  "Ladies, if you'll excuse us, table number one is served." With that, she pulled me through the crowd to where the tables were and sat me down opposite Heather who looked up at the commotion. I could tell she was trying to work out who was where and doing what.

"Hey, you," I said, sitting forward with relief. I glanced over her shoulder and watched as the three other women made their way to their own table as they looked over to where I sat. Thank fuck for Janet. The woman was a Saint.

"Hey," said Heather looking at me. She wasn't wearing her spectacles and her eyes sparkled in the festive glow. She didn't look away but kept still and silent. It never occurred to me she could hear everything that was said a moment ago.

Burgers and fries were really good to go. Everyone tucked in and it was an education watching Heather eat her meal. I had forgotten anyone else at the table and sat there with elbows propped up, double cheeseburger between two hands, and munched away looking at her do the same - but more diligently. Nibbling around the edges before taking a big bite that had me laughing to myself as she chased loose fries around her tray and slurped on an XXL coke. I shook my head. How the hell had I ended up here becoming rapt and obsessed with someone who was completely out of my social and physical circle.

I honestly felt like I was slowly turning an important page in my book of life.

But the old days and old ways still gave me pause. Hallie, Donna, and long-legged Suzie were like ghosts from my Christmas past and they would always be there until I turned that page forever.

Merry Christmas, Mr. Scrooge. Compliments of the season to ye.


The meal was over.

The whole group sat on various sofa's or lounged on cushions spread across the floor at the rear of the restaurant next to a traditional log fire that snapped and crackled as the conversation and beers flowed. Everyone was in a good mood as the stresses of the day and week slowly faded away. People were sat in groups chatting about this and that.

I was sat on the floor with my back to the oak-paneled wall next to the fire watching as Janet, Heather, and a couple of the other older women talked about whatever it was they were talking about. I took a sip of beer and continued to look at her as she laughed and listened to her companions. It's funny how attraction creeps up on you. Discovering that someone who is normally your physical negative becomes, over time, your absolute emotional positive as you get to know them and their true nature. I swirled what was left of my beer and continued to watch the three women talking. Janet glanced at me and whispered something to the other two. Heather shook her head and put her hand over her mouth to hide a laugh as she glanced over to where I was sitting.

Janet gave me another look and I frowned at her. What were they up to?

The older woman nodded towards me and Heather shook her head again. Janet knelt forward and crooked a finger at me as Heather put her hands over her face trying to hide.

"Come closer, Mike," said Janet, "Kneel on this cushion." She turned to Heather who was blushing beetroot and biting her lip, "Show him, Heather."

Bemused, I looked between the three of them. Show me? Show me what?

The other woman, Marge, knelt to my right-hand side. "We were just talking with Heather about the way she experiences and interprets the world around her. How things appear to her. When someone speaks to her directly, the sound of their voice appears to her as flashes of different colors in front of her. She can also see someone through touch. Isn't that right, Heather?"

Heather was sat there quietly listening and nodded at the question. "I can see people through touching their faces. Um, you know, the way they feel and their shape. I sort of paint a picture in my head when I imagine what they look like. It makes them all different. Which is important to me. I was taught how to do it when I was very young but it's not something I do often these days."

Janet knelt to my left. "We thought it'd be fun for her to do you, Mike."

Really? I looked at Heather who had inched forward and was carefully settling herself on her cushion in front of me. Uh. Okay. That sounds a bit weird. But what harm could it do? It was a game which was no doubt helped by the soothing effect of the beer I was drinking.

"Are you okay with this?" I asked her.

Heather nodded. "Um, yes. I just get a little nervous when I do it."

"Are you ready?" asked Janet.

Heather raised her face and I found myself looking into her eyes and the clear green ocean within them. We were facing each other and I watched as the blind girl slowly lifted her slim hands to my face.


Her first touch was tentative and gentle.

The light tracing of my features as her fingers came into contact with the bone structure of my face felt strange yet soothing. They traced my forehead, brow, the bridge of my nose, the breadth of my cheeks and the firmness of my jaw. All the while, I stared at her and as each second passed the world around us faded away into nothing. Heather was smiling as she painted me inside her mind. I understood that I was becoming more defined to her and her head tilted this way and that as her fingers caressed my face.

I was staring intently at her now. I could feel the blood beginning to fire through my veins and I sub-consciously found myself moving closer to her as her hands moved to each side of my face and she spread her fingers wide apart. Her lips were slightly open and I suddenly realized that she was moving closer too.

Her eyes were shining and I could see tears shimmering as we stopped mere inches apart and I could feel the soft caress of her breath against my lips. My heart was hammering in my chest as I slowly raised my own hands and took her face in mine as she gasped at my sudden touch.

I leaned forward and pressed my lips against hers and felt her groan and sigh against me as I pressed forward with my right arm slipping down her back to draw her to me so I could hold her close. I knew now it was something I had wanted to do from the moment I had set eyes on her as she had laid on the ground in the pouring rain all those days ago.

There is no greater expression of want and desire than the first kiss. Ours felt like it lasted forever as I held Heather to my chest and felt her arms wrap themselves around my neck as her lips parted and I felt the first touch of her tongue against mine. The kiss deepened and I could feel her trembling against me as I drew her up so that we were standing together before the log fire.

I felt her right hand come down and rest on my chest as she murmured my name. I slowly lifted my lips from hers and opened my eyes to see hers wide with surprise, shock, wonder, and desire. Once I'd let her lips go, she dropped her forehead against my chest and took great lungfuls of air as she tried to control her breathing and heart.

I was shaken to my marrow. I blinked as the world came back into focus to see everyone staring at us in silence. I took Heather by her shoulders and held her at arm's length to make sure she was alright. But she shook her head.

"I," she whispered as she put her fingers to her lips, "I'm fine. But I think I need to go."

It was then Janet and Marge came to her side to support her. They both hugged the shaking girl as Janet stared at me over Heather's shoulder with a satisfied look on her face. "We'll help her get home," she said as they took Heather to get her coat and order a taxi.

I still stood there in disbelief. I didn't even give a damn that everyone was still staring at me with stunned surprise. God knows what the girls from the pool were thinking.

It was Brad who set me straight.

He came over and handed me a beer. "Fuck me, dude," he muttered, "You sure have a way with the ladies. That was pretty fucking spectacular I have to say."

Life had suddenly got really complicated.

End of Part 2.
Story continues in Part 3.

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