ly4ka1974 Free



I continued to search this room There in plain view was a stack of books half way down was a book in a black cover with tiny stars. Upon closer inspection they were not stars but were tears. The name of the book was 'The Trail of Tears' On the back cover was an Indian maiden sitting back on her heels. Streaming from her eyes was a chain of tears, the chain hit the ground and continued off the page. I opened the back of the book and turned up the back cover.

I just knew what I would find and I was right, there before me was the second half of the Coat of Arms coin. I almost broke my arm patting my self on my back. Then I thought 'Damn' I had solved only half of the riddle... But at least I knew what I was looking for now. What I did not know was where to find the real thing.

The days passed with no further luck and it was getting closer to time for me to make my trip back to Long Beach. As I said the days were frustrating but the nights were wonderful the girls took turns of slipping into my bed and removing all my aches and pains. Three times a Deputy Sheriff stopped by but I wouldn't allow them into the house and all of the girls stood around with rifles. When one of them asked why the girls why they were armed they answered "Rattlers, do you rattle?"

Coat of Arms County Donegal


The day had come, Josie and I loaded up the car. One last time before we left I stroked their behinds and inserted my finger, removed it, sniffed and licked my finger clean. Even though Josie was going with me she was in line also. I told the girls that Barbara was in charge and that under no circumstances was the Sheriff or his Deputies to enter my house. And that goes double for the Lawyers of Fox, Fox & Shari. By tomorrow there will be a Lawyer or maybe two from a firm in Oklahoma City they are my personal lawyers. Celeste Rainwater from the Native American council Make her welcome and find her a place to sleep. She can work out of my office.

"One other thing all of the workers on the guest house are armed and ready to help as needed. Charles has contacted a friend in Austin and one of his workers is Law Enforcement. We will be back with in two weeks."

With those few final words we drove out the drive and taking no chances I drove 5 miles under the speed limit. Finally we were on I – 40 West and Amarillo in the rear view mirror. My plans were to drive to Flagstaff spend the night and complete the trip the next day.

Josie head was on a swivel, she had never been farther than Amarillo. She found a Country Music radio station and sang almost every song word for word. She had a very nice voice and I enjoyed her singing it was very entertaining.

We arrived at Flagstaff and checked into a Motel,then went out to eat. We found a Mexican restaurant, the food was quite good but obvious that it wasn't Tex Mex. We left the restaurant and was accosted by two guys both over 6 foot and athletic built.

" Well look what we have here a wimp and a sexy cunt." they laughed and reached for Josie. Before I could react Josie stepped with in his arm reach, kneed him in the nuts and as he bent over she smashed his nose. She spun around him and stepped toward the second guy. She did the splits which took her between his legs and she threw 4 or 5 punches to his groin area. He leaned over and grabbed himself and toppled over on the ground. Josie stood up looked over at me and smiled.

One of the waitresses had been out side on a smoke break when the first guy grabbed for Josie. She went in side and when she came back out she said she had called the police. She looked at us and to the guys on the ground and had a very quizzical look on her face.

The police arrived as the thugs were getting up. The waitress told them what she had heard. The cops handcuffed them and checked their identification, as it turns out they were both from Amarillo. What a surprise.

The cops asked what I had done to them before I could answer Josie spoke up and said, " He was just protecting me." She hugged my arm. Later when we reached our room She looked at me and smiled, "You really didn't think Amber sent me to hold your hand ...did you." We called Amber and reported our location and our run in. I told Amber anytime the Lawyers are at the manse she should sit at the desk and refuse to leave.

Next I called Barbara, they had had a visitor, one of the Jr Lawyers of the Shari's firm he tried to bluff his way inside. But when he realized how many guns was pointed at him he decided it was time to leave. I told her she did good... I had to hang up, my pants had just hit the floor and Josie was working her way up my legs with her lips.

Just as the phone hit the cradle I felt Josie's lips settle around the head of my cock and she began swirling her tongue around it. Damn this 18 year old really knows how to suck a cock I placed my hands on the back of her head and began to edge my way toward the bed. I edged back on the bed very easy, she had a hold of my balls so I didn't want to take a chance of her becoming over zealous with my jewels.

She was working it hard , my arms were spread out on the bed and drawing the spread up in my fists. My whole body was afire, one second she was lapping the head and the next she was taking me deep. She has me deep and she begins to swallow over and over ….that's all it took and I released filling her stomach with a gallon of cum.
Before I could move she pulled off and said " I need a shower don't start with out me." and into the bath room she went. I lay there for a few minutes, My mind in a quandary. Suddenly my decision made.... What the hell am I doing laying here. I jumped up threw the rest of my clothes off and headed for the shower.

I opened the shower door, Josie looks up and said, "What took you so long ?" She grabs my cock and drug me inside and began washing me. Just a few strokes and I was standing tall again. Josie put her hands on my shoulders and she leaped locking her legs around my waist. As her butt began to settle I reached down and guided my cock inside of her.

I gave her the best ride I could until my legs were on the point of collapsing. I managed to carry her out of the shower. Our room had two beds I chose the one we weren't planing to sleep on and fell onto it. Josie never slowed up she continued to bounce on me and I continued to help her all I could. I won't say Josie was the best of the girls I had made love to so far. But she was definitely the most energetic.

When she reached her climax she was like a wildcat trapped in a cardboard box and it was all I could do just to hang on. She did slow down after the 2nd one. The muscles of her pussy had my eyes rolling back in my head . She could raise her self and drag me down with those muscles all at the same time. When she would bottom out with my cock as far inside her as it would go. Her inner muscles really began to move up and down as her butt began to circle. This is one session I was never in control, This 18 year old was a master, I could feel my self building to a crescendo. I could hold it no more and I plastered her insides with sperm.

Josie never slowed up, she wasn't ready. She started moving her hips in a forward rolling motion even as she moved in a circle as well. Five minutes later she reared back and turned loose she flooded me and fell forward. She whispered in my ear "Thanks I needed that."

We finished our showers and went to bed, I won't claim to have slept solid. Not with Josie she was on me three more times during the night. But when I awoke the next morning I seemed to be flush with vigor.

We ate breakfast and while doing so a Policeman sat down with us and took a bit of information. He told us they would notify us when the hearing was to convene. We departed and drove straight through arriving at the Hertz rental car just after 4 pm. I noticed as we pulled into the lot they had a few almost new vehicles for sale. What caught my eye was a 1987 Dodge extended cab 4 x 4 Pickup with a matching camper shell.

I asked the price and it seemed reasonable. I had the Rep call the bank and verify the availability of funds. I wrote him out a check for the full amount. He had an attendant to Gas it up and pull it next to the rental. We began to unload the rental and load the pickup at the same time. I told Josie to get the rental papers out of the Glove compartment..

As she did the ticket fell out and on to the ground. The Rep picked it up and handed it to Josie. "Don't lose this it might be worth a million dollars. She laughed and handed it to me, as my fingers made contact with the ticket. It was as if I went into a trance, finally I heard Josie saying "Night, Night are you all right?"

I shook the cobwebs out of my head and said, "Yes I'm alright, it was just a thought." I looked down at the ticket and laughed, "I guess we will get this checked when we go back through New Mexico."

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