kookspook19571970 Free



We were quickly ushered back to the waiting with very little information.

We waited for close to an hour before a doctor walked through the door. I carefully looked at his face and I did not like what I saw. Jim and Jennifer stood up immediately to see him. I could not tell a thing from his face as he stopped in front of Jim and Jennifer.

"Everything is fine for the moment. She had a slight spike in blood pressure, but it happens after that much surgery. She is resting comfortably now. We are going to keep her sedated for the time being.", he advised.

I pretty much lived at the hospital for the next few days with Jennifer and Jim Thomas helping me with Tai. My employees stepped up at the gym and basically took care of everything. I promised them all a bonus for the extra work as soon as I came back. Jennifer and Jim were there everyday but Jim had to work, and Jennifer had Tai.

I had left the hospital and went home where I took a shower and change. I stopped on the way back and got Tai some chicken nuggets which she loved. I went back up and that allowed Jennifer to go home and clean up. She mentioned that the doctor had told her that they were cutting back on the sedation. Possibly late tonight or in the morning Lexie would wake up. Jennifer told me she would take a nap and then return with Jim later that evening. Tai decided to stay with me and play on her IPAD.

Jennifer and Jim returned a little after six in the evening, but Lexie was still asleep. They stayed until nine o’clock and then took Tai and went back to their house. Jennifer would bring Tai to school in the morning and meet me back at the hospital.

I was sitting in a chair next to Lexie’s bed holding her left hand in mine. I must have dozed off because something started me causing me to wake up. It took a second to focus and I looked around the room, but I was alone. I looked over at Lexie, but she was still asleep. I leaned back into the chair and closed my eyes once more. Several seconds later, Lexie’s hand moved in mine. I sat up immediately and looked over at her.

I got up and leaned over the bed kissing her cheek softly. I was still bent over the bed when the nurse walked into the room.

"Everything alright?", she asked.

"Yes, she just moved her hand a bit.", I reported.

"Good, the sedation is wearing off. She should be awake soon.", she replied.

The nurse made her regular check of all the monitors and recorded a few results. She then promised to be back in about a half an hour. I had just sat back down in the chair when I noticed that Lexie had slightly moved her head. I stood back up again just as she slowly opened her eyes. She looked around the room and finally into my face. She closed her eyes for a second then reopened them with a smile on her face.

"Chris……… what happened.", she said weakly.

"You’re ok Lexie……. This is ICU.", I replied.

"Am I going to be ok?", she asked.

"Yes, you’re going to be fine.", I answered.

"Did we get the guy……", she asked.

"Not yet baby, but they are looking for him.", I promised.

"My partners?", she inquired.

"Curtis is still here in recovery, but Lewis Johnson died on the scene.", I answered.

She closed her eyes and tears ran down her cheeks. Thankfully just about that time the nurse came back in. She walked around to the other side of the bed and checked several monitors. She then leaned over Lexie with a smile on her face.

"Ms. Thomas, it’s nice to see you awake. I’m Tonya and I have been taking care of you. How do you feel?", she asked.

"I don’t know yet….", Lexie replied.

"Well, if you need anything for pain, please let me know.", Tonya stated.

She moved around Lexie checking her pulse and blood pressure. She recorded all the monitor readings on her chart then put it back at the end of the bed. She poured Lexie a glass of water, put a top and straw on it then slid the bed table as close to her as she could. She informed us that she would notify the doctor that Lexie was up, and he would be in as soon as he could.

I sent a text message to Lexie’s mom Jennifer informing her that Lexie had come out of sedation. Although it was still very early in the morning, I think she would want to know. I set my phone back down and moved closer to Lexie.

"How long have I been here?", Lexie asked.

"Almost three weeks……", I replied.

"How many times was I hit?", she inquired.

"Twice baby, one in the leg and once in your side. The doctor will explain it all to you. Just please rest baby. You have been through a lot.", I assured her.

Several minutes later Lexie was asleep again, so I went across the room and sat on the small sofa. Around eight thirty that morning both Jim and Jennifer Thomas showed up to see their daughter. Thankfully, Lexie was awake and they spent some time together. I went home and showered then changed and went back to the hospital a few hours later.

It took ten more days before Lexie was discharged to my house. I would run into the gym for a few hours in the morning while Lexie’s mom would come over. I would return home a little after twelve and spent the rest of the day with her.

It took three months and a slew of doctor’s appointment and tests before Lexie was fully released from the doctor’s care. She went back to work part time until the shooting was fully investigated. She also came back to the gym and started to workout again although on a much easier routine.

Two months later we were back to our normal life. I was leery of Lexie going back to work but I did not say anything. I almost lost her to some senseless act of violence and one officer had been killed. We did not need the money, but I couldn’t expect Lexie to give up her career. Lexie and Tai had really bonded and for all practical purposes had become her second mother. We were laying in bed one night when Lexie brought up her job.

"Do you worry about me being out there?", she asked.

"I don’t think we should talk about that.", I responded.

"Why not?", she asked.

"Lexie, you know me as well as anyone ever has. You know I’m not scared of anything or anyone. But every time you walk out that door, I’m scared you will never come back through it. I’m not sure I could handle losing you. Even though I tried to fool myself……... I have loved you this entire time. That’s why no one could ever take your place. It’s been you all the time.", I admitted.

"After everything that happened between us …... you still were in love with me?", Lexie asked.

"Afraid so…… I guess that why nothing ever worked out.", I replied.

Lexie was true to her word, and we lived together for many years although we never married. I had asked her a few times, but she always said we’ll do it soon. Soon never came but it did not diminish our relationship. Lexie and I were best friends, lovers and business partners. After fifteen years on the force Lexie retired and became my business partner at the gym. We did everything together and rarely ever disagreed about anything.

Tai had grown into a beautiful young woman who had excelled at everything she did. She maintained a perfect GPA through grammar school and private high school. She graduated at the top of her class both times with a plus perfect GPA.

She received a partial scholarship to Columbia University and we paid the rest. The acceptance rate at Columbia was only six percent. Out of every one hundred applicants only six were accepted. Tai entered the Postbac Premed Program which was one of the most rigorous in the country. She also received a Bachelor of Science degree in BSPS in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division.

Tai was recruited right out of school by a major pharmaceutical company with an amazing salary and benefits package. She worked in Maryland so we did not see her as much as we hoped but after all she was a grown woman. Later she met a great guy and got married and moved to California where they both had amazing jobs.

They blessed Lexie and I with two beautiful grandchildren which were named Sara and Skylar. Lexie and I flew to California several times a year spending as much time as possible with Tai and the girls. I sent up two huge trust funds for the girls so that when they reached twenty five they would have every opportunity that life had to offer.

Lexie died at fifty-eight years of age from complications due to breast cancer. Thankfully she died peacefully in our bed with me lying next to her. Our last few months together were most enjoyable and we were together constantly. After I buried Lexie, I sold everything I owned and moved across the street from Tai and her family. The last years of my life were wonderful and I was even able to witness my granddaughter giving birth to my great grandson.

My body failed me a few years later but all in all I had a wonderful life surrounded by loving people. Tai was a great daughter, mother and wife and she made me so proud. Tai held my hand, and I passed peacefully having absolutely no regrets.

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