A click of a button made her suck in a lung full of air in a deep gasp. He turned the device to an even higher setting and her suffering doubled when it fiercely rattled against her hypertensive walls.
Her eyes rolled back into her skull as it felt like the dildo was wriggling around her brain turning it into a thoughtless mess. Her body was tensing up and her hips lifted higher and higher into the air from the sensation of a more powerful orgasm building in her core.
By the time the guard left, she was groaning pitifully while her hips were violently jerking in the throws of her wild peak.
Two days, it had been two very long days since Nanaki had seen any food or water. All he could do was lay curled in a corner to conserve what little energy he still possessed. His throat was dry and his stomach throbbed with a dull ache for nourishment. They must have finally grown bored of trying to make him do unspeakable things and have settled on tormenting his existence.
There were times he had secretly wished for death in this place but he couldn’t have known how terrible it was to go out like this. All he could do was just sit here in agony and waste away. He found himself sorely mentally prepared for such suffering. How much longer would he have to endure such torment before his body finally depleted?
It was a question that haunted him with every passing moment. For the first time in this place, he desperately wanted to speak, to beg for salvation. He knew by breaking his silence, he would let them know that he could communicate at all. It had served him well to just let them think he was nothing more than an animal, but now it might be working against him.
The faint sound of metal rasping over metal made him wearily open his one good eye. His pale yellow gaze fixated on a bowl that had been thrust into his cage. The sight of clear salvation shifting in the basin only made him more aware of how dry his throat was. The surge of relief he felt was a grim reminder of just how much control the humans had over him.
The needs of his body demanded he drink and warily pushed himself off the ground with his four legs and strode towards it. It must be a trap, nothing came from this place without suffering but the temptation was far too great in his state. A strange odor was taken in by his keen sense of smell as he approached, but it was shockingly pleasant.
His eye narrowed in suspicion, they must be enticing him to drink with such a perfume. His head hovered over the bowl as he tried to inspect the fluid as best he could. The scent was so strong it made his mind hazy with an unfamiliar desire. He could feel a heat building in his loins and his weakened mind struggled to piece what could be the cause of such a sensation.
The thirst had won out and his tongue lapped at the liquid. His eye shot open, it was warm against his tongue when it scooped at the substance. A bittersweet flavor burst over his pallet making him growl when it clung to his tongue. It was not water; it was something so deeply intoxicating they must be drugging him.
He couldn’t help but continue drink stating both his thirst and the desire to sample more of a delicious nectar. He held the bowl between his paws and devoured it until is oral muscle was rasping at the bottom of the bowl. He didn’t care how much it made it loins ache, it was too good not too. Once he was certain that he licked up every last drop he was unsure what part he craved most when it was gone.
A sudden projection of a profile of a strange human woman flared on the wall in front of him. His eyes raked over her strangely pleasing looking curves and he lingered on those bread birthing hips. His brows furrowed when he felt unsettling primal urges burning in his loins towards her. Then it struck him in the chest like a hard punch and he looked down again at the bowl, oh no, they didn’t, they couldn’t have.
"Did you enjoy how she tasted – Red Thirteen?" Hojo asked watching in amusement as the massive creature was already scrambling from the bowl with that large predatory mouth gaping in horror. He let a long and loud cackle watching such the animal cowering in the corner, the orange fur on his back had raised up in alarm.
Once his mirth had diminished he narrowed his gaze on the beasts one working eye. For the first time, he truly saw the keen intellect it possessed while it processed what he had just drunk. He leaned in closer and formed a steeple with his fingers in front of his mouth. A suspicion was forming over Red Thirteen, maybe he is not the stupid animal many have deemed him to be?
This was not his first attempt the goad it into copulating with other humans and creatures before. Red was a very stalwart creature with a troublesome sense of morality that struck him as far too human for something so primal looking.
This time, he had made progress, he saw how he looked at the image of the other specimen. The way that eye raked over her like she was a piece of meat. Could it be that he genuinely enjoyed the taste of her? A seed of lust had been implanted, all he needed to do now was nurture it. He leaned back in his chair with a sigh and gave his spine a languish stretch.
"Have one of the guards replace the bowl a fresh one, we will leave it with Red Thirteen overnight." His command was rapidly complied with by some aide that he would never remember. His gaze swept over to the woman he had bound up but already her name was slipping from his memory, it was inconsequential to him.
They had to mute her cell once they had turned the vibrator up to max, the noises were just too distracting. He grinned in deep satisfaction seeing her eyes almost rolled back into her head but he could sill make out half crescent rings of her exotic crimson eyes. She was no longer just drooling from her groin anymore as a nice thick puddle of saliva oozed out her parted lips.
"OH, and once they are done, have them unshackle the woman. Set her up with an intravenous as well, she must be quite dehydrated by now." Hojo rose up from his perch at the monitors, he had other pressing matters to attend to and could not become too distracted with this project alone.
When Tifa awoke it happened with a deep groan, everything hurt and demanded her attention. With bleary eyes, she gazed up at the light of her cell buzzing far too loudly. She had no idea what time it was as she struggled to sit the shoddy cot she had been provided.
Her body was bruised and her knees were a bright shade of red from being left bent over on the metal floor for so many hours. She looked at the cord buried into her arm and taped over leaving to a bag of clear fluid. Her cheeks immediately flushed recalling how much she had flowed for them that it required such a transfusion.
Despair clutched at her heart when she finally had the moment to truly process that she had been transferred to an entirely different cell. She had been separated from Cloud and Barret, the last surviving members of Avalanche. The urge to cry rose up in her throat but she quickly tempered it down refusing to let them see her break down like that.
She rose on unsteady legs from her cot and made her way to the metal toilet. She winced at its cool embrace of her rump and relieved that pressure urging at her back door. She buried her face into her open palms at the humiliating sound of her pushing all that cum out. It seemed to be amplified to obscene levels by the metal bowl she was forced to dump it into.
She collapsed back onto her cot still feeling the thick slime clinging between the cheeks of her ass. The shame she felt recalling the pleasure being used like that tormented her. How badly she wished to recall the man's face, so the next time she saw him, she would make him pay.
The loud sound of claws clicking at metal disrupts her thoughts and she rolls over half expecting to see some horror lurking her in the cell. The slot had been left open, it was no larger than a hand width and she saw a pair of orange furred paws too large for any dog. The sounds of it lapping up her fluids assaulted her ears.
It knocked the bowls aside and shoved its snout against the small opening chuffing loudly and licking its slavering chops. Her heart raced seeing its thick tongue stroking over its furred muzzle and for a brief moment, she actually debated pressing her sex up against that small window just to see what it would feel like.
Thankfully it stopped before her own perverted curiosity got the best of her. She blew out a deep sigh and rolled over again to face the wall. She was trying to ignore the steady pulsing she was feeling between her legs just thinking about that tongue going to town on her like it did with that bowl. It took a lot of unsexy thoughts before she finally bored herself to sleep once more, tomorrow was another day.
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