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At first mom jumped when I felt her up down there but then eased in and resumed her character on stage. I was right, mom was sporting a very thin thong which were white.

After what felt like a long time of passionately kissing my mom and feeling her up Jac instructed us to go to the next level. In a smooth and passionate move, I confidently flipped her over and managed to get into the covers but was stopped by Jac who asked mom to remove my clothes first. When she had removed my t-shirt and shorts, I quickly jumped into the covers which didn't seem to displease Jac too much. I positioned myself gently into the missionary position and mom wrapped her legs around me. Bad move. My boxer covered dick was now positioned right on mom's thong covered mound. I adjusted my dick so that it was laid flat on my stomach but as it was so erect that some of it stretched over the waistband.

As we continued to make out under the covers and grinded our bodies together, my dick became so hard that it started to hurt. Due to the positioning, the midway on my dick was rubbing on the top of mom's mound. I made gestures under the covers to stimulate love making. My mom kept making passionate noises and grinded her pelvis against mine causing my hard dick to rub against her thing covered pussy. Had this been any other woman in the world I would have been in heaven but this was my mother and I was made further nervous knowing that people were watching and by the curious fact that mom hadn't acknowledged my boner.

Jac shouted at us to change our movements to mimic 'fucking' as he put it. This meant that I had to push myself on my hands and basically dry hump mom. I got into position only to feel my boxers slip off my body and for the waistband to rest at the end of my nut sack. For the first time mom acknowledged my dick by making a scolding face when she felt me lower my pelvis to hers. I brought my face down to her to tell her that I was sorry but I couldn't help it. Mom eased a little and to keep up the pretence moved her body in a 'fucking motion'. With things the way they were arranged under the covers, this meant mom sliding up and down my naked nine inch pole with her soft thong covered pussy.

We dry humped for a few moments but my world was running in slow motion. I was filled with shame that I was turned on by my mom – guilty even. I assured myself that it was only acting and that my boner did not know it was mom. In my haze, I realised three things. Firstly, mom must have been shaven down there as I couldn't feel any resistance from pubic hair even with the thong on. Secondly that I was now leaking copious amounts of pre cum on her thing and belly and thirdly and crucially, that if we didn't stop soon, I would cum. My pre cum was lubricating the entire pelvic area and regrettably making the sliding motion more enjoyable for me. At that moment Jac said that this was looking good and for us to "Climax it up a bit". He instructed that this meant "fucking" faster and grabbing her body more passionatly. Mom reacted immediately and quickened the pace under me and this brought even more action down below. Being so wet, I was now sliding my cock up and down her thong covered slit and leaking another dollop of pre cum on every stroke.

In a moment of panic I bent down to mom's ears as if to nuzzle it to tell her that we had to stop this insanity or that I was going to have an accident. Initially not understanding she nuzzled my ear and then realising what it meant stopped but it was too late. I was still perched on top of her in the missionary position but my dick which was held in place in between her pussy lips was pointing slightly upwards given that we were mid-stroke. At that moment I bit my lips and mom saw the look on my face. She whispered "nooooo" in slow motion as I came. And boy did I cum. The first gust I felt ripped through me and given the space between mom and I, landed all the way from her chin down to the top of her belly. A few more landed on her bra and as I continued to cum, I closed the distance between our bodies to contain the spray. Luckily no one was close enough to see the sick cum that I was sprayed on mom. I also counted myself lucky that my cum hadn't reached her face or beyond. I can easily cum about 6 feet away but given the restricting positioning today, it only reached her chin. Half a minute later I could still feel droplets dripping out on her belly from my now deflating dick. It was then I realised the intent look of the crowd around us. Jac broke the silence by clapping and the others around the stage continued. I collapsed on top of mom. Clearly we had put on an impressive show. Mom whispered to me that it was Ok and that we shouldn't let anyone know of my "accident".

Soon Jac called for the actors for the next scent and we were told to get dressed. Knowing the mess I had made under the sheets and all over mom, she shouted back to Jac that we needed to talk about the scene and for the others to carry on. Luckily the next scene was in the kitchen which was at the other end of the theatre so everyone moved there and we were left alone.

As the last pair of eyes left us I began by apologise to mom but she told me that she understood. Mom had a look of worry on her face. She sighed and partially opened the covers to look at the damage. A drop of cum dangled off of mom's chin but I didn't know how to tell her to wipe it off.

"My that is a lot" she said.

"Again, I'm really sorry mom" I replied.

"Pass me that rag over there and let's get ourselves cleaned up" mom said as I got off of her.

Looking around to make sure that no one else was looking, we separated our bodies. Mom's bra was nearly sheer with cum and her white things were perfectly transparent. She blushed when she saw be looking and modestly covered herself up as much as she could. She also saw my dick which was still sticking out of the top of the boxers as I tucked it in and then it was my turn to blush. I got out of the bed first and using a rag on the stage, cleaned myself up and then got dressed. The problem with my cum is that it is thick and so mom used her hand try and rub it into the bed sheet and covers to make it less conspicuous. She was still covered in most of the cum I had sprayed.

When mom got out of the bed a few of the guys who were observing the kitchen scene looked over at mom. In a moment of inspiration she picked up a bottle of water that just happened to be lying near us and pretended to drink out of it and then accidently poured it on herself and the bed.

The water diversion was a masterstroke and would explain the coffee mug worth of fluid on the bed and her. Mom made enough of a commotion so everyone knew that she had had an accident with the water bottle. The cum on mom's body was thick and in globs and the rag didn't remove all of it. She put her dress on even though she was still slightly wet as the men from the other scens had started to stare at mom in her sexy underwear. "Bad choice of underwear today" she said under her breath.

The kitchen scene was a quick one and just as mom was getting herself straightened up, everyone walked back to the bed area for the next scene between the boss and his wife. As those two actors disrobed to get into bed to act their non-sexy 'good night chat before bed' scene, a stage hand came over to inspect the damage of the water spill and huffed that now we can't do the next scene until the "water" dries. He also commented that he was surprised how water had gotten into the covers but not outside it and that there was only a little water in the bottle and that it had made such a large mess. Mom and I stared at each other nervously.

Jac called it a night at the point and told us to come in the following day for rehearsals and that he wanted to start from the top and redo all the scenes we did today. Mom and I got out things and left the theatre in a rush.

In the car with mom on the way back home we were eerily silent for most of way. I looked over at mom who was driving and noticed that the cum had dried on her exposed upper chest into a white crusty texture. I also noticed that the dress seemed stuck to her stomach - no doubt my cum acting as glue. I was embarrassed beyond belief. Mom then broke silence "Look, I know you are a young man and these things happen. How do we stop it from happening tomorrow?"

I could have crawled into a hole and died. We had to do this again tomorrow? I thought.

Embarrassingly, I proceeded to tell mom my daily masturbation routine and that I simply didn't have time this morning. If I had, then I wouldn't have cum but the boner would probably have happened.

She told me that she didn't mind the boner as long as we didn't make a nuisance of ourselves by wetting the bed. We both giggled a little when she said that. She told me to make sure that that I masturbate thoroughly before tomorrow's rehearsal.

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