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He smiled and gestured to three large heavy looking bags, "your share."

I nodded and he sighed, "you are leaving to go after the dark elves."

I nodded again and Trevor looked into my face, "they are not all bad."

I smiled, "this I know. Like all people there are those that are evil and greedy. That is how the split between the elves began. Most of the dark ones know this in their hearts but to turn away takes great courage."

I glanced around at the quiet camp around us, "if I manage to kill the dark king and the other clan leaders many of the others may take heart and return."

He nodded and slapped my shoulder, "I hope to see you again one day Silvan."

He walked away and I turned to set the three bags inside the tent. I was up before the false dawn and packed everything onto our horses with Holly helping me. Beside her two knives she had a full quiver of elven made arrows and carried a bow she felt comfortable with. Three eleven maids came with Silver and the warriors. One touched my hand, "we will care for your animals and belongings."

I nodded and let her lead the horses off. I glanced at all the scouts that were up and watching and nodded as they saluted me. I took a breath and looked at Holly, "Stay three steps behind me and watch around us and what I do."

She nodded and I looked at Silver before heading west through the destroyed camp and then into the forest. The tales and stories of the place the elves had split were well known. I knew dark elves would make a point of creating their seat of power there. I glanced back a few times to see all the elves following me single file. They were silent as we walked through the forest.

We collected berries and nuts as we walked and that night split up and huddled together in small groups. It rained the third day and we killed rabbits and made a fire under a tree. It was another week before I froze in mid step. I watched a dark elf stretch as he walked past in front of us. Once he was gone I moved us back and glanced at all the elves, "scout but do not kill. Leave your bows so you will not be tempted. We need a way in and out. We also need to know where all the horses are kept and where each clan leader stays."

I looked at Silver, "take two and go around to the far west side."

He nodded and I looked at an elf called Quick Bow, "take two and go to the north edge."

He smiled and gave me a half bow like most of them had started doing. I looked at an elf that was shorter than the others, "you take two and go to the south edge."

I looked around, "the rest of you spread out and scout this edge. Look for hidden sentry posts as well as any possible orc or goblin den."

They grinned and turned to strip off packs and bows. I set mine beside Holly’s and was tempted to tell her to stay. She had kept up the whole time and actually moved as well as any of the elves. She stayed behind me as I silently stalked closer and into the elven city. I was a little surprised they did not even have walls but elves rarely did that.

Dozens of wide streams wove through the city with carven bridges and the tents I saw were almost permanent in nature. I moved slowly and carefully and picked out pennants and banners by the tents. I knelt in a flowering bush to watch a huge tent with a red banner.

A golden crown was embroidered on the banner. I watched a couple of elven women and several slaves before moving around to see the horses behind the tent. I also saw a large tent beside the dark king’s which Holly whispered was the tent for unattached female elves.

We slipped back out of the city unseen and back to the place we had left our packs and bows. It was a long time before everyone was back. One by one we told everyone what we had seen. I pointed out three for each team and assigned them a clan leaders tent. The rest I sent to several of the larger tents. Our plan was simple, after midnight we would slip into the city.

We would hit the tents and kill the leaders and other dark elves. If we had time and no out cry was made we would try to bring any elven women that wished to come with us. Quick Bow and another elf would take out the dark elves guarding the horses in the main horse pens and that was our way out. It was a long time before midnight and timed seemed to slow.

I stood and the others around us did the same thing. We spread out and began moving slowly. Any sentries or guards were killed quickly and it was not long before Holly and Silver followed as I silently made my way across the city. There was a half moon above us as we knelt behind a bush to watch a single guard beside the tent entrance for the king.

I gestured and slipped into the shadows and tall grass. I slowly worked my way around until I was only a few paces from the guard. When he turned the other way and stretched I was up and moving. I yanked his head back as I covered his mouth and sliced his throat. I quietly lowered him to the ground and pulled his body to the side. I moved to the door as Holly and Silver crossed to me. I slipped in with Silver following and Holly guarding the door.

There was still a glow from the central fire pit. I gestured Silver to the left and headed to the right and a slightly raised sleeping platform. There was a slave in the bed with an elf woman. Between them was the person I wanted and I silently moved around and reached over the head of the platform. My knife struck quickly and he jerked and spasmed as he died with the blade in his brain.

I glanced around in the tent and Silver nodded from another body. I helped Silver wake the women and girls in the tent before going back to take the head of the king. I slipped out and pulled the banner down and tucked it into my shirt before hoisting the head up. I led the way around the tent to the second one for unattached females. The guard was sleeping in front of the door and Holly slipped ahead to kneel and cut his throat.

There was easily sixty female elves sleeping in the tent and Holly woke them and pushed and shoved until they came out. Silver had slipped to the few horses here and saddled them. We doubled up on each horse and I led them towards the huge horse pens to the south. Silver trailed us and Holly moved up and down the file and kept everyone silent.

I do not think we expected to bring out as many females as we did. By the time the last team of elves met us at the pens we probably had four hundred females, both elven and half human. All the women were terrified of course by stayed quiet as we lead the horses south out of the city. As soon as we were out of the city everyone swung up onto a horse and we headed towards our brief camp. We barely slowed as we grabbed packs and kept moving.

Each of the elves moved back and forth beside the column as we continued to the east at a fast walk. Silver and another elf moved ahead to scout as we moved and I sent one ahead to Watcher’s Keep. It was dawn when I stopped the first time and we began to check the women. There were several pregnant but they seemed to be doing okay. After that we rode the horses for an hour and walked them for half that as they browsed.

I half expected the dark elves to follow but two weeks later we rode out by Watcher’s Keep. Wagons and a small army of elves were waiting and helped move the pregnant women to wagons. I was tempted to stop but turned north instead and kept moving. The attack came that evening after we had stopped and made camp. For some reason I do not think the dark elves expected us to use bows.

Silver had been out with another scout and ran in, "they come!"

I turned from helping two women and grabbed my bow, "form up beside the wagons."

I gestured the women back behind what cover there was and waited as the rest of the elven warriors joined me. Holly slipped up beside me, "I asked a couple of women to watch the back."

I nodded as she calmly fitted an arrow to her bow. They came with a silent rush and I pulled my string back and fired into the chest of one leading. They fell in waves as we continued to put arrows into them. Slowly they came closer and I set my bow aside as I drew my knives and went to meet them. I shifted aside as one lunged and sliced across his throat before blocking another knife.

I twisted and slid around as I cut the elf’s wrist and stabbed in and out under his arm. I turned and slid back and away from the next as he attacked and then stumbled over one of the dead elves. I moved quickly and stabbed through his wrist and twisted before moving passed him and cutting his throat. I moved across and through the dark elves in a dance of blood. Finally they broke and ran leaving almost two hundred dead and dying behind. They had never even reached the wagons.

A week later we rode into the elven city and were met by everyone. I was asked to stay and I accepted, Holly never said a word, she just helped me build our house in a huge tree and moved in.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:
