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FilesFm_P2P || ! FilesFm_P2P.WEBRTC_SUPPORT ) && bolIsVideoFile ) { files_fm_video_fallback(); } else if ( ! FilesFm_P2P || ! FilesFm_P2P.WEBRTC_SUPPORT ) { showErrorMessagewj4afwvn__tmcubv7x8yz3w3v4( 'Sorry, your web browser does not support downloading with WebTorrent, please use another browser.' ) } else { var config = { tracker: { rtcConfig: { "iceServers": [{"urls": ["stun:stun.files.fm:443"], "username": "filesfm", "credential": "password", "credentialType": "password"},{"urls": ["turn:stun.files.fm:443"], "username": "filesfm", "credential": "password", "credentialType": "password" }] } } }; config.WebRequests_QueryString = 'PHPSESSID=9f50f8daee6cd30511d3a58f59ce48254d67b8e8'; var objFilesFmP2P = new FilesFm_P2P(config); objFilesFmP2P.addTorrent( 'file', 'wj4afwvn', function ( torrent ){ files_fm__torrent = torrent; // Torrent file downloaded files_fm__torrent.on( 'ready', function () { // Send presentation type to WebSeed (file download/view) this.presentation_type = 'view'; // Remove default selection (whole torrent) this.deselect( 0, this.pieces.length - 1, false ) // Select only required file, deselect all other. // Append required file to container and do some setup. this.files.forEach( function ( file ) { if ( file.name != "sf71h.rar" ) { file.deselect(); } else { if (current_file!==null) return; var mimetype = file._getMimeType(); current_file = file; // Append only certain file types if (mimetype && ( mimetype.indexOf('video/mp4')===0 || mimetype.indexOf('video/m4v')===0 || mimetype.indexOf('video/m4a')===0 || mimetype.indexOf('video/mkv')===0 || mimetype.indexOf('video/webm')===0 || mimetype.indexOf('video/ogg')===0 )) { var video = document.createElement( "video" ); video.style.visibility = 'hidden'; video.style.width = '0px'; video.style.height = '0px'; video.preload = "metadata"; video.poster = poster_url; if ( poster ) video.style.width = poster.style.width; video.controls=true; video.id = 'player_video_wj4afwvn__tmcubv7x8yz3w3v4'; embed_container.appendChild( video ); //if ( poster ) // poster.style.display = 'none'; file.renderTo( video, { autoplay: autoplay }, function (err, elem){ var sourceElem = document.createElement( "source" ); sourceElem.type = mimetype; sourceElem.src = elem.src; elem.appendChild(sourceElem) initVideoJS(); 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var intTimeRemaining_Seconds = Math.floor( ( intTimeRemaining_MiliSeconds % ( 1000 * 60 ) ) / 1000 ); var strTimeRemaining = ''; if ( intTimeRemaining_Days > 0 ) { strTimeRemaining = intTimeRemaining_Days + 'd '; } if ( intTimeRemaining_Hours < 10 ) { strTimeRemaining += '0'; } strTimeRemaining += intTimeRemaining_Hours + ':'; if ( intTimeRemaining_Minutes < 10 ) { strTimeRemaining += '0'; } strTimeRemaining += intTimeRemaining_Minutes + ':'; if ( intTimeRemaining_Seconds < 10 ) { strTimeRemaining += '0'; } strTimeRemaining += intTimeRemaining_Seconds; } remining_time_indicator_div.innerHTML = strTimeRemaining; if ( webseed_div ) { let int_web_seed_count = 0; for (let id in files_fm__torrent._peers) { if (!files_fm__torrent._peers.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue; if (files_fm__torrent._peers[id].type === 'webSeed' && !files_fm__torrent._peers[id].destroyed) int_web_seed_count++; } webseed_div.innerHTML = 'WS: ' + int_web_seed_count; } // Update downloaded size if ( received_div ) { received_div.innerHTML = 'Down: ' + convertBytesToSizeSting(files_fm__torrent.received); } if ( download_speed_div ) { download_speed_div.innerHTML = convertBytesToSizeSting(files_fm__torrent.downloadSpeed) + '/sec'; } // Update uploaded size if ( uploaded_div ) { uploaded_div.innerHTML = 'Up: ' + convertBytesToSizeSting(files_fm__torrent.uploaded); } if (upload_speed_div) { upload_speed_div.innerHTML = convertBytesToSizeSting(files_fm__torrent.uploadSpeed) + '/sec'; } if ( peers_div ) { peers_div.innerHTML = 'Peers: ' + files_fm__torrent.wires.length; } }.bind(this), 1000); var convertBytesToSizeSting = function( intBytes ) { var strSizeSting = ''; if ( intBytes < 1024 ) { strSizeSting = intBytes + ' B'; } else { var intKB = Math.round( intBytes / 1024 ); if ( intKB < 1024 ) { strSizeSting = intKB + ' kB'; } else { var intMB = Math.round( intKB / 1024 ); if ( intMB < 1024 ) { strSizeSting = intMB + ' MB'; } else { var dblGB = Math.round( intMB / 1024 * 10 ) / 10; strSizeSting = dblGB + ' GB'; } } } return strSizeSting; } /*******************************************************************************/ } ) } } function initVideoJS () { var logoHref = "https://files.fm"; var logoImgUrL = logoHref; logoImgUrL += "/images/logo/white/filesfm_logo_full.svg"; var bolCanComment = document.getElementById( "gallery2__comments" ) != null && typeof( showGalleryInfo ) !== "undefined"; var bolCanShare = typeof showSharePopup === "function"; videojs = new FilesFm_VideoJS( "player_video_wj4afwvn__tmcubv7x8yz3w3v4", { autoplay : autoplay , } ); videojs.objPlayer.on( 'ready', function () { // Add title to PlaybackRateMenuButton var domMenuTitle = document.createElement( 'div' ); domMenuTitle.className = 'vjs-menu-title bx_allow_events'; domMenuTitle.innerHTML = 'Speed'; videojs.objPlayer.controlBar.playbackRateMenuButton.menu.el().prepend( domMenuTitle ); } ); var videoCont = document.getElementById( "player_video_wj4afwvn__tmcubv7x8yz3w3v4" ); for ( var i = 0; i < videoCont.childNodes.length; i++ ) { if ( videoCont.childNodes[ i ].className == "vjs-big-play-button" ) { videoCont.childNodes[ i ].style.display = "none"; } } if ( document.getElementById("preloader_wj4afwvn__tmcubv7x8yz3w3v4") ) document.getElementById( "preloader_wj4afwvn__tmcubv7x8yz3w3v4" ).style.display = 'none'; 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